The River Chet

The river Chet rises in the village of Poringland near Norwich. The following eight miles that it takes to reach Loddon is of little interest as a fishery, although there are a few Trout, Dace, Roach and pike present. It’s for the most part narrow, shallow and quite overgrown. In Loddon, however, it quickly changes into a tidal channel with a wide marina and staithe. This has been enlarged in the last decade and during the summer months the entire area is a hive of activity and most popular with the boating community.
In the winter months, The River Chet particularly during spells of high tide, floods impact throughout the area. Roach, bream and large hybrids pack into the sanctuary of the marina and the sport is fantastic. From Loddon, until the River Chet joins the Yare via the southern bank at Hardley Cross, there are three miles of river which offer patchy fishing. At Nog Dam end on the right-hand bank looking downstream, there are approximately 300 yards of fishing that were in control of the environment agency and offered free fishing.
There is a terrific circulation of fish movement from the Yare into the Chet, especially on the flood tide and for the very best results, one should become acquainted with the tides. Generally, the best results are known to come during the colder months. You’ll notice the best time when all the boats have vanished, and you’ll be able to catch decent sized roach and bream.
Trotting or dragging bottom is favoured near Loddon with the ledger paying dividends in the deeper, faster water lower down close to the Yare. There is accessible bank fishing from the south bank via the B1140 road leading to Reepham Fishery.
The River chet is small section of river and I wouldn’t expect to land record catches. But it’s these smaller systems which can really master the more subtle style of fishing.
Norfolk has plenty of river systems to choose from, check out some other Norfolk broads fishing spots.