Willow Lakes

Willow Lakes is situated on Hart Lane in Bodham, North Norfolk. This fishery doubles up with a caravan park, which is well worth a look if that’s something that interests you. The complex itself is in north Norfolk and is surrounded by beautiful countryside
What Fish are found at Willow Lakes
Like most mixed fisheries, this offers a choice of the following species. Bream are found in large shoals and seem to sit on the less weedy areas of the lake. Rudd here can be found on all parts of the lake and caught throughout the colder months also. Chub can also be had, although the stock numbers I don’t think are that high. Carp here are what people enjoy catching, and they fight pretty hard. There’s no known peg for carp that I know of, so a chat with the bailiff is advisable. Tench is a challenge but can be had in those weedier areas early morning and late afternoon. Roach and perch can be had throughout the lake. I did see a nice perch about 2lb come out on my first trip here. Grass carp can also be had throughout the lake and pretty common compared to some other venues.
What tactics work for Willow Lakes
When it comes to tactics, I stick to what I know here and it works great. Natural baits for both Bream and Tench, cage feeders and accurate casting are important. For carp, solid baits like pellets and wafters do work well. I would advise against putting loads of bait in, as it’s not that kind of fishery. Roach, Rudd and Chub, natural baits have always caught. I normally catch these when fishing for Bream and Tench. Perch nothing beats a worm on the bomb. I do constantly twitch the line though when fishing with worms like this. I’ve done this since fishing as a child and seems to do me the business.
What type of venue is Willow Lakes
I wouldn’t really say this is a specimen lake at all. Although you can get bigger carp, I wouldn’t bring out the heavy carp gear. You can use a pole on this lake as well as lighter feeder rods.
Willow Lakes, It’s a good venue for a day’s fishing. It’s not your typical commercial and is heavily stocked with carp. The fish seem to be in good condition and is a well-run complex.
Check out all other Fishing lakes in norfolk and see what the county has to offer